Best quotes by Elden Henson on Movies

Checkout quotes by Elden Henson on Movies

  • I was kind of burned out, a little jaded, and just sort of disillusioned by all the 'Mighty Duck' movies and everything just being about making money and not really caring about scripts anymore.
    - Elden Henson
  • I loved movies, growing up. They brought me so much joy.
    - Elden Henson
  • I love the Avengers movies and Iron Man and Captain America.
    - Elden Henson
  • On certain movies, you make friends that end up being your friends for the rest of your life. Those are the ones that are the most special.
    - Elden Henson
  • 'Daredevil' is incredible, but I mean, 'The Mighty Ducks' put me in a conversation that I wasn't in before. I feel like I owe a lot of my career to being in those movies.
    - Elden Henson
  • When I was a kid, I was in all 'The Mighty Ducks' movies, and that sort of created this weird thing when I was very young. And luckily, I had a lot of really good friends and family that kept me from, I guess, going down a more negative path that actors can go down.
    - Elden Henson
  • I had the good fortune to be in some movies when I was younger that, for whatever reason, people identified with or related with.
    - Elden Henson