Best quotes by John M. Grunsfeld on Science

Checkout quotes by John M. Grunsfeld on Science

  • Science at NASA is all about exploring the endless frontier of the Earth and space.
    - John M. Grunsfeld
  • There is no stronger case for the motivational power of real science than the discoveries that come from the Hubble Space Telescope as it unravels the mysteries of the universe.
    - John M. Grunsfeld
  • When I first went to Hubble, as an astronomer and as a scientist, it was a dream come true. And as an astronaut, the Hubble missions are premiere missions because Hubble is so important to science, so important to humanity, that it's just a very special event. But as an astronomer, it was sort of the holy grail of missions.
    - John M. Grunsfeld
  • The team at the Space Telescope Science Institute has a demonstrated record of meeting the high-performance challenges of operating the Hubble Space Telescope and preparing for the James Webb Space Telescope.
    - John M. Grunsfeld
  • At the age of six, I declared that I wanted to be an astronaut. My mother thought that was just fine, as it would encourage me to learn science, and besides, there really was no chance I would ever actually become an astronaut.
    - John M. Grunsfeld
  • As soon as I could ride a bike... I was always riding over to the Museum of Science and Industry to explore. It's where I first began to develop a fascination with machines and scientific principles.
    - John M. Grunsfeld