Best quotes by Al Jourgensen on Me

Checkout quotes by Al Jourgensen on Me

  • I'm not a malicious person. When you get past the tattoos and leather, I give people a fair shake. There are periods when I've sowed some wild oats, no doubt about it. And I can party with some of the heavyweights. There are some stories about me that, yeah, where there's smoke there's fire. But sometimes the smoke is just smoke.
    - Al Jourgensen
  • You tell me one other person that graduated from Yale that is as inarticulate as Bush. Yale's a great school, and here's this idiot.
    - Al Jourgensen
  • Punk rock really influenced me, the basic metal bands, Zeppelin, Stones and Floyd, and Southern rock bands. I think I was pretty well-rounded.
    - Al Jourgensen
  • I can't control what people think of me, and I stopped really caring a long time ago.
    - Al Jourgensen
  • I scare the neighbors, the kids... They don't come to my house for trick-or-treating, trust me. I had to buy exactly zero amount of dollars worth of candy for the past couple of years.
    - Al Jourgensen
  • 'Rock n' Roll Animal,' the live album, is one of the greatest live albums out there. It was a huge influence on me.
    - Al Jourgensen