Best quotes by Chris Gethard on Me

Checkout quotes by Chris Gethard on Me

  • Both creatively and organizationally, being medicated has helped me immensely.
    - Chris Gethard
  • I've exceeded the expectations people had for me as an unconfident runt who grew up in North Jersey as well as the expectations I had for myself.
    - Chris Gethard
  • My sadness compels me to hide it so that people won't judge me. Seeking help would have blown my cover. Meanwhile, my mania convinces me that it's making me fun so I'll want to dive further into it. Seeking help would've ruined that good time.
    - Chris Gethard
  • When my TV show was in production, dozens of women asked me out on Facebook. Some were shy about it; some were blatant. Some I knew, some were total strangers. But they went for it.
    - Chris Gethard
  • I remember the people who mentored me, and I just love being able to do that for other people.
    - Chris Gethard
  • Shows are my saving grace. In between actual jobs, the only thing that keeps me sane is the knowledge that I can go up on stages.
    - Chris Gethard
  • No aspect of my brief and mild fame actually made me happier.
    - Chris Gethard
  • Having money didn't make me less of a socially incapable loser; it just made me a socially incapable loser who wasn't in debt.
    - Chris Gethard
  • When people ask me, 'Why don't you drink?' I usually smile and say 'Because I'm not good at it.'
    - Chris Gethard
  • As a largely unsuccessful comedian, I've become someone that younger people sometimes find and ask for advice, which I'm happy to give, even though it makes me feel old.
    - Chris Gethard
  • I moved to Queens from New Jersey in 2004 and have continued to stick with New York to such a degree that when people ask me to explain it, I'm sometimes unable to provide an answer.
    - Chris Gethard