Best quotes by John Hawkes on People

Checkout quotes by John Hawkes on People

  • I do all kinds of roles - nerd, psycho, nerd, psycho, nerd, psycho - and occasionally someone kind of normal. It's weird, when I lived in Austin I was always cast as pretty normal people. But when I moved to Los Angeles I was immediately branded a psycho.
    - John Hawkes
  • I understand why people achieve a level of fame and disappear, I never understood it before, but it's an attractive prospect to walk away from it all.
    - John Hawkes
  • People have said unkind things and you kind of have to, if you happen to read it, you have to just, you know, move on.
    - John Hawkes
  • I'm just looking for the best story being told by the best people and the best part that I can find. If those things add up, I want to be a part of it whether it's a studio film or, more likely in that instance, an independent film.
    - John Hawkes
  • I want people to believe me when I play a part and they are less apt to if they know a lot about me and have associations about me.
    - John Hawkes
  • It's nice to sometimes get things out of life, rather than stealing from other artists. I'm trying to steal from the real people.
    - John Hawkes
  • I generally play strong people and scary people.
    - John Hawkes
  • When something gets attention so quickly, people sometimes will look for reasons to find fault and tear it down.
    - John Hawkes