Best quotes by Kevin Reilly on People

Checkout quotes by Kevin Reilly on People

  • I've spent a lot of time encouraging, corralling, protecting, and sparring with creative people.
    - Kevin Reilly
  • How people watch and the different ways they connect to TV - you're going to see some expansion and radical transformation.
    - Kevin Reilly
  • It's always a good problem to have to hear people saying they want to see more.
    - Kevin Reilly
  • People love television; they're watching a lot of it in a lot of ways.
    - Kevin Reilly
  • I've respected the people that I've worked for, and they've been supportive and respectful of me.
    - Kevin Reilly
  • The resilience of narrative storytelling and people's love affair with television is impressive.
    - Kevin Reilly
  • 'Glee' is produced with three people and written by three people. In my mind, I don't believe there's any other show on television that was written by three people. The fact is there are shows that have 14, 15, or 16 people writing them.
    - Kevin Reilly