Best quotes by Condola Rashad on Work

Checkout quotes by Condola Rashad on Work

  • One day I'm not busy at all; the next day I have work for months - that's kind of the way it works!
    - Condola Rashad
  • The way I work emotionally is: I don't ever try to cry. I try not to, which is what for me produces organic emotion.
    - Condola Rashad
  • William Shakespeare was a brilliant writer and he only wrote the truth. So, if I don't believe it, I have to work really hard to see what that truth is so that I do; that's the only way I can make it believable for the audience.
    - Condola Rashad
  • Paul Giamatti is truly one of my biggest inspirations, and even more so now that I've gotten to work with him. Every single thing he does, he completely transforms into it. When I watch a film with Paul in it, I'm not like, 'Oh, there's Paul.' I'm completely into whatever character he's in, and I'm not thinking about him as an actor.
    - Condola Rashad
  • You're born with a certain love of something. Music was my first love, and that's the world I work from. Growing up, I was surrounded by artists, so my upbringing supported this lifestyle.
    - Condola Rashad
  • I had a period without acting work, and I took a job as a cocktail server. In 'Stick Fly,' my character has to carry a tray, and I knew how to do it because of the job.
    - Condola Rashad