Best quotes by Joanna Coles on Love

Checkout quotes by Joanna Coles on Love

  • I can't stress this enough: The single thing that will guarantee a happy, fulfilled, and calmer life is the quality of your human relationships, especially the people you love and who love you back.
    - Joanna Coles
  • In the same way you pick idly at chips, promising this is literally your last one, you may be in a relationship that you know isn't going anywhere, but you're hungry for love, and it feels less frightening than nothing.
    - Joanna Coles
  • Love and food are very similar in many ways. We can't survive without them, and they bring us great joy, and just as there is junk food, and you can become obese, there's also junk love.
    - Joanna Coles
  • I love 'Cosmo,' but I gave it everything I had.
    - Joanna Coles
  • I'm just super nosy, I love trying to understand what's going on.
    - Joanna Coles
  • We have enormous appetites for both food and love, and yet there's junk food and also junk love.
    - Joanna Coles
  • You need a nutritional love diet. Don't put the junk stuff in your body - it's not going to do you any good.
    - Joanna Coles
  • Nothing's more important than who you love and who loves you back.
    - Joanna Coles
  • People don't really talk about falling in love anymore. And yet falling in love is the great engine that drives all the best art - or falling out of love or being heartbroken - drives all the best books, drives all the best music, and yet we've sort of stopped talking about it.
    - Joanna Coles
  • Junk love are relationships in which you know you're not getting the emotional nutrition that you need. You're probably wasting emotional calories on people who aren't giving you enough back.
    - Joanna Coles