Best quotes by Larry Gagosian on Art

Checkout quotes by Larry Gagosian on Art

  • Nobody really needs a painting. It's something you kind of create value for in a way that you don't with a company. It's an act of collective faith what an object is worth. Maintaining that value system is part of what a dealer does, not just making a transaction but making sure that important art feels important.
    - Larry Gagosian
  • Take Damien Hirst out of contemporary art history, and there's an incredible void. Great artists, like great people, have second acts.
    - Larry Gagosian
  • I never really took a proper art class in college. I just started reading art magazines and going to galleries. I was really drawn to it.
    - Larry Gagosian
  • The art market is global now, and there's becoming more of an international consensus about what constitutes good art.
    - Larry Gagosian
  • I'm not in the luxury-goods business. I sell unique objects. I wish I was in luxury goods because then I could just call the factory and say, 'I need 10,000 more of whatever.' But I can't - because then it's not art, it's something else.
    - Larry Gagosian
  • The art world is never going to be popular like the NFL, but more people are buying art and I think that's cushioning, to a great extent, our art-market cycles.
    - Larry Gagosian
  • I don't think the art market is for everybody. Yeah, of course we have a global gallery. But we're like the one-tenth of the one-tenth of the one-tenth. OK? Not just who's buying but who's really seriously engaged with art.
    - Larry Gagosian
  • I believe in the popularizing of art. But when you get right down to it, it's a bit of an elitist world. Not just economically elitist - how many people read poetry?
    - Larry Gagosian
  • I've never been what they call a 'pure gallerist.' I find that somewhat pretentious, honestly - I'm an art dealer. I like to show great artists of our time, but I also like dealing. And I think they reinforce each other.
    - Larry Gagosian
  • Some people buy art because they're confident that it'll be a good store value, and this is kind of a recent phenomenon.
    - Larry Gagosian
  • San Francisco has always been a great city for art collectors.
    - Larry Gagosian
  • The more people who look at great art, the better for our culture.
    - Larry Gagosian