Best quotes by DeMarcus Cousins on People

Checkout quotes by DeMarcus Cousins on People

  • People say they hate having fake people around, but when you keep it real, they hate you even more. People don't like the truth.
    - DeMarcus Cousins
  • I'm a guy with a big heart who cares about people.
    - DeMarcus Cousins
  • I know who I am as a person. And the people that matter around me know who I am.
    - DeMarcus Cousins
  • So you know, the people that do know me, they know I can be very stubborn.
    - DeMarcus Cousins
  • If you judge me only by my profession, you don't know me at all. Those people who do that? They'll never know me.
    - DeMarcus Cousins
  • I don't do things to be rewarded. I help people because it's the right thing to do.
    - DeMarcus Cousins
  • If I started smiling all the time, people would say, 'DeMarcus must not care anymore.'
    - DeMarcus Cousins
  • What people don't realize is that this is the entertainment business.
    - DeMarcus Cousins
  • People don't like when people are straight forward. They like things to be sugar coated. They like to beat around the bush. I'm not that type of person.
    - DeMarcus Cousins