Best quotes by Jerry Della Femina on Business

Checkout quotes by Jerry Della Femina on Business

  • There is a great deal of advertising that is much better than the product. When that happens, all that the good advertising will do is put you out of business faster.
    - Jerry Della Femina
  • 'Business Week' is guilty of very shoddy reporting.
    - Jerry Della Femina
  • Life was easy was back in the days before human resource departments controlled business and someone decided we all should be politically correct.
    - Jerry Della Femina
  • I don't want people ever to think I'm not in advertising. It's such a business of enthusiasm that if you're not totally excited about it, you should leave it.
    - Jerry Della Femina
  • I've seen very few Hispanics and blacks who have been able to work their way into the advertising end of business.
    - Jerry Della Femina