Best quotes by Jill Soloway on People

Checkout quotes by Jill Soloway on People

  • Your first job, I tell people I mentor, is managing your affect. Be nice and say nice things. Make it so that the people walk away from interacting with you and say, 'That was fun.' That will make them want to come back and do it again.
    - Jill Soloway
  • I'm a fan of Louis C.K., I'm a fan of Lena Dunham. I love shows about people that other people would consider unlikable, or, like, the work of Woody Allen and Albert Brooks.
    - Jill Soloway
  • It's really easy to be funny. You get a lot of funny people in a room, the show is funny.
    - Jill Soloway
  • Independent filmmakers already have their heads around people on their couches watching their movies.
    - Jill Soloway
  • We're a whole culture of people who have a really hard time seeing beyond themselves.
    - Jill Soloway
  • I've always been really interested in how people's identities are shaped by where they come from and how they want to get away from where they come from.
    - Jill Soloway
  • People who don't have experience setting healthy boundaries, they have secrets instead.
    - Jill Soloway
  • At East Side Jews, we can take a risk because it isn't all about the rules. I started it to create a space for all those people who wouldn't go to temple because they were scared of getting the rules wrong.
    - Jill Soloway
  • Most people privilege the technology, almost as if actors are in service to the machine.
    - Jill Soloway