Best quotes by Yehuda Berg on Change

Checkout quotes by Yehuda Berg on Change

  • If I said it once, I'll say it again: 'We have the power to change everything.'
    - Yehuda Berg
  • If we each take responsibility in shifting our own behavior, we can trigger the type of change that is necessary to achieve sustainability for our race or this planet. We change our planet, our environment, our humanity every day, every year, every decade, and every millennia.
    - Yehuda Berg
  • The whole point of all of this - why we are here, why the world is here, and why we have the political system and leaders that we do - is to achieve change. This is the purpose of life.
    - Yehuda Berg
  • Kabbalah is all about change. It isn't about being proud of our good qualities: the wisdom is about transforming our darkness into light.
    - Yehuda Berg
  • With every little bit of change we make in our lives, we can maximize that small change simply by asking ourselves: 'What's next? What can I do now? What additional responsibility can I take on?'
    - Yehuda Berg
  • Change is inevitable. Things absolutely cannot stay the same. The type of change we invoke is up to each and every one of us.
    - Yehuda Berg
  • With so much evidence of depleting natural resources, toxic waste, climate change, irreparable harm to our food chain and rapidly increasing instances of natural disasters, why do we keep perpetuating the problem? Why do we continue marching at the same alarming beat?
    - Yehuda Berg