Best quotes by Jermaine Fowler on Me

Checkout quotes by Jermaine Fowler on Me

  • I used to record 'Futurama' episodes on my cassette player and play it to help me go to sleep.
    - Jermaine Fowler
  • I wanted people to know that my grandmother was the reason why I did comedy in the first place. She pushed me to really get out there and pursue my dreams.
    - Jermaine Fowler
  • My friend gave me a VHS tape of Eddie Murphy's 'Raw.' I watched it so many times, I fell in love with it. I would watch it every day, just picking it apart. And then I started doing open mics around Maryland and D.C.: that's where I'm from. And I haven't stopped since.
    - Jermaine Fowler
  • I have a lot of energy, and as you get to know me, you will quickly learn that! I channel my energy into my acting, my writing, everything.
    - Jermaine Fowler
  • I grew up watching people and companies commercialize Black History Month. I watched old McDonald's commercials, and they'd blacken up the commercials for 28 days then go back to normal in March. It got annoying to me.
    - Jermaine Fowler
  • I grew up in a very, very diverse neighborhood back home in Maryland. And when I see that on TV shows, it makes me want to watch it, personally. I just gravitate towards that.
    - Jermaine Fowler
  • I'm pretty much a comic that dwells on what happened to me instead of what's happening to me.
    - Jermaine Fowler
  • I'd been writing sketches since high school, but 'Friends of the People' really taught me about structure - how to wait out a joke, how to stick with it for a while. It also made me more confident onstage as a performer.
    - Jermaine Fowler
  • I probably wouldn't have pursued comedy further if my friends didn't tell me that my getting kicked off the stage was the funniest thing they'd ever seen.
    - Jermaine Fowler