Best quotes by Frank Vincent on Man

Checkout quotes by Frank Vincent on Man

  • A man's man is respectful, he's honorable, he's loyal, he's sensitive, he's strong, he's tough, he's well-groomed, he has a sense of humor - and he takes care of himself and his lady.
    - Frank Vincent
  • If it's Saturday night, and you're sitting on your couch watching 'Showtime at the Apollo,' then you're not a man's man.
    - Frank Vincent
  • A man's man has no problems with commitment, as long as he's not with a woman who needs to be committed.
    - Frank Vincent
  • Bad boys are classy and refined. For example, even though Donald Trump came from money and a privileged lifestyle, he's a man's man.
    - Frank Vincent
  • If you decide to go clubbing on a Friday night, and you're home before two A.M., you're not a man's man.
    - Frank Vincent