Best quotes by Jeb Bush on Belief

Checkout quotes by Jeb Bush on Belief

  • It's important to build trust if you're trying to deal with big things. Big issues require everybody to get outside their comfort zone, and people are more willing to do so if they believe that their partner is sincere in their efforts. And the only way you can do that is to engage them on a personal level.
    - Jeb Bush
  • I get to advocate issues and ideas that I believe in.
    - Jeb Bush
  • If I decide to run for office again, it will be based on what I believe, and it will be based on my record. And that record was one of solving problems completely from a conservative prospective.
    - Jeb Bush
  • If you believe, like I do, that the world is abundant with possibilities, then we need to make sure we build capacity so that everybody is successful or can be successful in the pursuit of their dreams - not the dreams of someone from government, but their own dreams.
    - Jeb Bush
  • There are people who believe in expanding the welfare state across the spectrum of races and ethnicities and creeds.
    - Jeb Bush
  • If I can help create an environment where the principles that I believe in can be implemented - to me, that's fulfilling.
    - Jeb Bush