Best quotes by Jayson Tatum on Mom

Checkout quotes by Jayson Tatum on Mom

  • My mom tried to not let me see how much we were struggling, but I noticed it. I think that's what made me work harder. I saw how hard she was working, and I just wanted a better life for both of us.
    - Jayson Tatum
  • I've always lived with my mom. My whole life.
    - Jayson Tatum
  • I was fortunate enough to make it to where I want to be. There could be other kids as talented or more talented than me in whatever they want to be but don't have the resources to pursue their dream. Maybe they have to get a job instead to help their mom with the bills.
    - Jayson Tatum
  • Because I grew up in a single parent home with my mom, growing up, things weren't always the best.
    - Jayson Tatum
  • When I was, like, 4 or 5, I'd just always tell - my mom would ask me what I wanted to be when I got older. And I would just be like, 'I wanna be Kobe.' She'd be like, 'You wanna be in the NBA?' 'No, like, I wanna be Kobe.'
    - Jayson Tatum