Best quotes by John Coltrane on Music

Checkout quotes by John Coltrane on Music

  • When you begin to see the possibilities of music, you desire to do something good for people, to help humanity free itself from its hang-ups.
    - John Coltrane
  • Overall, I think the main thing a musician would like to do is give to the listener the many wonderful things he knows of and senses in the universe... That's what I would like to do. I think that's one of the greatest things you can do in life, and we all try to do that in some way. The musician's is through his music.
    - John Coltrane
  • My music is the spiritual expression of what I am - my faith, my knowledge, my being.
    - John Coltrane
  • I think music is an instrument. It can create the initial thought patterns that can change the thinking of the people.
    - John Coltrane
  • I think that music, being an expression of the human heart, or of the human being itself, does express just what is happening - the whole of human experience at the particular time that it is being expressed.
    - John Coltrane
  • My goal is to live the truly religious life and express it through my music. If you can live it, there's no problem about the music, because it's part of the whole thing.
    - John Coltrane
  • I think I was first awakened to musical exploration by Dizzy Gillespie and Bird. It was through their work that I began to learn about musical structures and the more theoretical aspects of music.
    - John Coltrane