Best quotes by Jason Aaron on Me

Checkout quotes by Jason Aaron on Me

  • What's nice is between 'Wolverine and the X-Men' and 'Thor,' I get to write two very different kinds of stories. Both of them really seem to scratch some itches for me.
    - Jason Aaron
  • I love working at Marvel, but it was definitely DC that got me hooked as a reader.
    - Jason Aaron
  • Are you kidding? They had me at 'Star Wars.' The kid inside me would've clawed his way out and strangled me if I'd turned this job down.
    - Jason Aaron
  • For me, especially with the villain, it's not very interesting to write a guy who is just 100% bad.
    - Jason Aaron
  • To me, the more interesting villains are the ones you can, in some sense, relate to or sympathize with at times. Maybe you sympathize with them one moment; the next moment, they do something truly atrocious, and you feel bad you ever sympathized with them in the first place.
    - Jason Aaron
  • 'Original Sin' is, for me, a murder mystery with a huge cast that plays out on a grand stage.
    - Jason Aaron