Best quotes by Scott Kelly on Space

Checkout quotes by Scott Kelly on Space

  • Just like the bones and muscles, the heart is designed to work in one gravity here on Earth, so when you put the heart in space, it operates differently and changes shape.
    - Scott Kelly
  • I don't mean to say it's not fresh on the space station, but there's nothing like new, cold air coming into the capsule.
    - Scott Kelly
  • There are definitely parts of Asia, Central America that when you look at them from space, you're always looking through a haze of pollution. As far as the atmosphere is concerned, and being able to see the surface, you know, I would say definitely those areas that I mentioned look kind of sick.
    - Scott Kelly
  • The ride to orbit was impressive, as it always is. But once I got on board the space station, it really felt like I was visiting an old home; it felt very comfortable.
    - Scott Kelly
  • We've got to get rid of the stuff on the space station somehow. So we do have a pretty significant capability to bring back stuff on SpaceX that you might not imagine.
    - Scott Kelly
  • Sleeping here is harder here in space than on a bed because the sleep position here is the same position throughout the day. You don't ever get that sense of gratifying relaxation here that you do on Earth after a long day at work.
    - Scott Kelly
  • The majority of astronauts have to change their eyeglasses while in space. They bring eyeglasses with them and typically change a few months into the mission.
    - Scott Kelly
  • If you go on a journey to Mars and get into deep space, there is several hundred times, maybe 300 times the radiation.
    - Scott Kelly
  • We don't do laundry because that requires a lot of water, and water's at a premium up here. Plus, it'd be pretty complicated, I think, to make a space washer, although I guess you could do it. So we generally throw our clothes out. I think I've been wearing this pair of pants for about two months.
    - Scott Kelly
  • Now, space has its own unique smell. So whenever a vehicle docks, or if guys are out doing a spacewalk, the smell of space when you open up the hatch is very distinct. It's kind of like a burning-metal smell, if you can imagine what that would smell like.
    - Scott Kelly
  • As far as the sounds on the space station, it's pumps, fans, motors, certain modules are louder than others, but it's generally a pretty nice working environment. It's not too loud or too smelly.
    - Scott Kelly
  • We don't do laundry because that requires a lot of water, and water's at a premium up here. Plus, it'd be pretty complicated, I think, to make a space washer, although I guess you could do it.
    - Scott Kelly
  • It seems like in the beginning of my flight, the space dreams were rare. And now, almost 150 days into it, the Earth dreams are more of the rare ones.
    - Scott Kelly
  • Space has its own unique smell. So whenever a vehicle docks, or if guys are out doing a spacewalk, the smell of space when you open up the hatch is very distinct. It's kind of like a burning-metal smell, if you can imagine what that would smell like.
    - Scott Kelly
  • The thing I like most about flying in space is not the view. The thing I like about it is doing something I feel very, very strongly about.
    - Scott Kelly
  • The space station here is a magical place and an incredible science facility.
    - Scott Kelly
  • Going to Mars is a bunch of baby steps, and it started off with the first human in space, Yuri Gagarin.
    - Scott Kelly
  • We used to have a crew of three on board the space station and even at one time a crew of two people, so it's something we can adjust to.
    - Scott Kelly
  • It's an international space station. We have crew members from both the U.S. and Russia and now the United Kingdom with Tim Peake from the U.K... It's great to see that, on this space station, that we can work across cultures in a very cooperative way.
    - Scott Kelly
  • We do a lot of science on the space station. Over the course of the year, there'll be 400 to 500 different investigations in all different kinds of disciplines. Some are related to improving life on earth in material science, physics, combustion science, earth sciences, medicine.
    - Scott Kelly
  • Flying in space is a privilege, whether it's the first time or the fourth time.
    - Scott Kelly
  • We have a lot of systems here on board the space station, and we can't call a repair man when one of them breaks.
    - Scott Kelly
  • The Earth is a beautiful planet. The space station is a great vantage point to observe it and share our planet in pictures. It makes you more of an environmentalist.
    - Scott Kelly
  • We're fortunate to have football on the space station.
    - Scott Kelly
  • What we get from building a space station, the economic return, the science return, is very, very important to our nation, to our economy.
    - Scott Kelly
  • Something people don't recognize is that being on the space station is probably a lot like being in some kind of confinement - like isolation.
    - Scott Kelly
  • I believe in the importance of flying in space and the research that we do.
    - Scott Kelly
  • People do really well on space missions, but it's the physiological, the medical stuff, the stuff like radiation, loss of bone mass and muscle mass and density. It's those things that we need to figure out.
    - Scott Kelly
  • Leaving the space station was bittersweet - I had been there for a long time and looked forward to leaving, but it is a remarkable place.
    - Scott Kelly