Best quotes by Scooter Braun on People

Checkout quotes by Scooter Braun on People

  • What has now become conventional in terms of digital marketing and the discovery of new talent was once very unconventional - and people forget that.
    - Scooter Braun
  • I think the reason why people loved 'Jem' in the '80s was because it kind of gave them this story of a place to fit in. It's about finding your place.
    - Scooter Braun
  • My gut is my No. 1 asset. I also like to draw from a lot of people, and I ask a lot of questions. I'll literally show my ideas to 500 different people and get their opinions, and, in the end, after digesting all their opinions, I just trust my gut.
    - Scooter Braun
  • My job is making irrational people do rational things.
    - Scooter Braun
  • I think people will always like intelligent TV.
    - Scooter Braun
  • I looked at Robert Downey, Jr. and all these people - when you ask for redemption, people will give it to you. But if you're the boy who cried wolf, they'll destroy you.
    - Scooter Braun
  • A lot of times in this business, we forget that we're surrounded by a lot of really good people.
    - Scooter Braun
  • I love collaborating with other really smart, incredible people.
    - Scooter Braun
  • I think people got this idea that I wanted to be a star. Managers of the past don't have any kind of public persona - it's all about the fame of the artist. I really don't want to be a star. I just want to have a platform.
    - Scooter Braun
  • Where I've been able to be successful in our company's path is the fact that people think that we kill it, because they don't see our failures. Because we don't talk about them.
    - Scooter Braun