Best quotes by Alexandra Cassavetes on Love

Checkout quotes by Alexandra Cassavetes on Love

  • I think at its most mature, love is a very bourgeois state. There is something about luxuriating in the nest of love that people fall into naturally.
    - Alexandra Cassavetes
  • I think at its most mature, love is a very bourgeois state. There is something about luxuriating in the nest of love that people fall into naturally.
    - Alexandra Cassavetes
  • Love is a component of many different things - the baggage you bring, the moment, what you need in your life, seeing someone as a portal for understanding everything, and all the intensity that brings. It's not something to count on and act like it's a stable thing.
    - Alexandra Cassavetes
  • I think vampires would want to find a way to stay attached to the living, the way human beings do, and that is through love, interrelations and meaning.
    - Alexandra Cassavetes
  • I think vampires are different from human beings, but they're sentenced to eternity on this planet. They have the same confusion about love and permanence, integrity, and denial. These qualities really are the same in vampire characters as in humans. I think they're universal themes.
    - Alexandra Cassavetes