Best quotes by Tommy Lee Jones on Work

Checkout quotes by Tommy Lee Jones on Work

  • If you want to know about my politics, the only way to do that is to look at my work.
    - Tommy Lee Jones
  • I have nothing against interviews. I don't pursue them. When people I work for deem it appropriate, I'm perfectly willing to serve.
    - Tommy Lee Jones
  • As an actor to watch an audience of people howl together in a single mind as a result of work you've done together with friends is a privilege.
    - Tommy Lee Jones
  • Acting is fun for me and it doesn't really matter how, whether it's hard work or easy work, it's always fun.
    - Tommy Lee Jones
  • I know a lot of cowboys and I've done a little work on ranches with cattle, and those people become your friends, and keep their word.
    - Tommy Lee Jones