Best quotes by Jaap Stam on Football

Checkout quotes by Jaap Stam on Football

  • I always watched professional football and my father played at an amateur level, but I didn't think I wanted to become a pro.
    - Jaap Stam
  • Of course, when you play football yourself you can think you want to become a manager but it does not make you a good manager.
    - Jaap Stam
  • If I hadn't made it as a footballer I would have been an electrician. I studied to be an electrician even though I was progressing at football because you never know at that stage if you are going to be there for sure.
    - Jaap Stam
  • It sounds strange, maybe, because I have played with a lot of big players but I never thought: 'OK, they're going to go into management.' Maybe there was only one, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, because he was always talking about football but I did not have a feeling with the other players.
    - Jaap Stam
  • In Holland you go into amateur teams, come up through the ranks and are generally spotted for senior or professional football. At 16, I had made it into a men's amateur team, and was picked up professionally from there.
    - Jaap Stam
  • It's football, you work with humans and humans make mistakes. We will do everything in our power to prepare the players so they know to make the right decision at the right times.
    - Jaap Stam