Best quotes by Noah Centineo on Me

Checkout quotes by Noah Centineo on Me

  • To me, when you're crying, you're aligned with some sort of truth. Some inner truth. That's why you cry. You identify. It's just ultimate honesty.
    - Noah Centineo
  • I act, but I'm not necessarily an actor. Acting is just the first thing people see when they look at me. So I'd like to do more things.
    - Noah Centineo
  • I would say that all of my experience on any set over the course of my life has helped me in directing 'Save Me Tonight.'
    - Noah Centineo
  • I would say one of the most romantic things I've done is I've taken a girlfriend back to her hometown when she hadn't been back for years. It was in Puerto Rico, and we stayed there for about a week and a half. She showed me the different places she grew up around.
    - Noah Centineo
  • The only thing that will box me in is myself, and I think we can break all that when the time is right, for the right role.
    - Noah Centineo
  • If I ever feel like I'm messing up, making the worst decisions, or I'm just lesser than - if I'm being self-deprecating - I just think, 'Cheer up, dude, you're a lot worse than you think.' It makes me laugh. It takes me out of it.
    - Noah Centineo
  • When I was turning 21, I was like, 'Damn, I've been partying like crazy since I was 17...' I was like, 'Wow, maybe I should take a break.' So I stopped doing all that, and I found that a lot of problems I was having in my life, slowly, they didn't go away: they just became way more apparent to me.
    - Noah Centineo
  • It's exciting now to be able to look at projects and say, 'Well this is right for me; this isn't right for me.'
    - Noah Centineo