Best quotes by Mandy Harvey on Myself

Checkout quotes by Mandy Harvey on Myself

  • I made the mistake of pouring my entire identity into one single dream and convincing myself that I was not capable of anything else or creating any other dream.
    - Mandy Harvey
  • I never thought I would do a TV show, I never thought I could do it, so I was not expecting a really good performance. It was more about building confidence, and good or bad, I was encouraging other people and pushing myself.
    - Mandy Harvey
  • A long time ago I started talking into a balloon so I could feel myself talking, to practice judging volume, and compare it to other musicians.
    - Mandy Harvey
  • My friends and family refused to give up on me even when I gave up on myself, and I wanted to hopefully encourage even just one person to try again.
    - Mandy Harvey
  • What I do is I get the sheet music and I put it out for myself and then I use a visual tuner to go through each note individually. And every time I make a mistake, I start the song over again, so I use the muscle memory of intervals and then watching that tuner, and then a lot of repetition.
    - Mandy Harvey