Best quotes by Daniel Lyons on People

Checkout quotes by Daniel Lyons on People

  • Conventional companies try to find new uses for capabilities they already have. Transformers look at what the market needs and then go build it, hiring new people and/or taking people off other jobs.
    - Daniel Lyons
  • You can crank out Bitcoins on a PC, but it's an incredibly computer-intensive task, and it will keep getting harder as the number of Bitcoins in existence increases. Some people have pooled together hundreds of machines to 'mine' Bitcoins. Most folks, however, just buy them on an exchange.
    - Daniel Lyons
  • There are people who do things in tech that have the same skill sets that journalists have. They write, they edit, they put out press releases.
    - Daniel Lyons
  • There are two types of young people - the partiers and the people who wanted a sense of purpose in their life.
    - Daniel Lyons
  • Some people don't have a sense of humor.
    - Daniel Lyons
  • The people running Silicon Valley are not making the show because they want to do a satire of Silicon Valley. They are just comedy writers, and they want to make a funny show.
    - Daniel Lyons
  • Fingerprint readers require special hardware, and a lot of people find them creepy and don't want to use them. Smart cards and tokens can be lost or stolen.
    - Daniel Lyons