Best quotes by Isaac Hanson on Music

Checkout quotes by Isaac Hanson on Music

  • Everybody feels up sometimes, they feel down sometimes, sometimes they feel sideways, sometimes they feel weird. And the beauty of music is you can express all those different feelings in all the different songs you write. And hopefully, people can identify with those.
    - Isaac Hanson
  • Hanson is not the pop band that a lot of people think we are. I think we're a lot more rooted in a lot of music history... we're songwriters, we're singers, we're players first. We're not entertainers, we're not celebrities, and frankly, we don't really want to be.
    - Isaac Hanson
  • But anyone who knows anything about the music industry knows it's not only about the music.
    - Isaac Hanson
  • People my age don't always know where their music comes from.
    - Isaac Hanson
  • I think downloading is both saving and killing the music industry at the same time.
    - Isaac Hanson
  • I'm doing what I do for the right reasons. I love the music that I make.
    - Isaac Hanson
  • We've always believed in our music.
    - Isaac Hanson
  • If our kids want to do music, they are going to have to have a hard row to hoe just like any other band under the sun, and they're going to have to want it more than anyone else.
    - Isaac Hanson
  • As an artist or musician, you want to be remembered for the music you make.
    - Isaac Hanson
  • Hanson plays music that is very much a part of everything.
    - Isaac Hanson