Best quotes by Stephen Hough on Life

Checkout quotes by Stephen Hough on Life

  • I wanted to be a monk at some time in my life, or a priest, so there was a kind of reflex quite early on not to be attached to anything that might be taken away.
    - Stephen Hough
  • I wanted to be a monk at some time in my life, or a priest, so there was a kind of reflex quite early on not to be attached to anything that might be taken away.
    - Stephen Hough
  • Painting is just a hobby. I really don't think of it much more than that. But writing music and writing words... my life would feel as if it had a big hole if I took those away.
    - Stephen Hough
  • Painting is just a hobby. I really don't think of it much more than that. But writing music and writing words... my life would feel as if it had a big hole if I took those away.
    - Stephen Hough
  • I like the extras in life. Concentrating on serious things doesn't mean you can't also enjoy the lighter ones.
    - Stephen Hough
  • Life is an incurable disease leading to death, but it's also an unrequested gift, which, if we can manage to keep giving it away to others, can keep giving back everything to us.
    - Stephen Hough