Best quotes by Michael O'Rielly on Internet

Checkout quotes by Michael O'Rielly on Internet

  • I'm for Internet openness. We're all for Internet openness. If you asked the American people, I think they support it. Internet companies, broadband companies are all in favor of it.
    - Michael O'Rielly
  • I know that there is a near unanimous view in Congress that state or local taxes on Internet access would directly deter the ability of consumers to obtain and utilize the Internet. If that is an accepted premise, as it should be, the same concept should apply to the net neutrality debate and its certainty to increase consumer bills.
    - Michael O'Rielly
  • It is important to note that Internet access is not a necessity in the day-to-day lives of Americans and doesn't even come close to the threshold to be considered a basic human right.
    - Michael O'Rielly
  • People can and do live without Internet access, and many lead very successful lives.
    - Michael O'Rielly
  • The legend of a cable company trying to break the Internet makes scary bedtime stories for children of telecom geeks, but it is not reality.
    - Michael O'Rielly
  • Both Republicans and Democrats championed a structure that allowed the 'application layer' of Internet architecture to be free from government intervention, apart from occasional Federal Trade Commission activity.
    - Michael O'Rielly
  • Maybe Wi-Fi is a good technology to stretch existing networks beyond their edges to more rural portions of our nation. Similarly, Wi-Fi may be the cheapest and fastest way to bring Internet access to the huge populations of the world now without it.
    - Michael O'Rielly
  • From commercial companies to political campaigns, advertising dollars are increasingly being spent on the web, rather than on traditional media. Jeopardize this arrangement and a vast number of free Internet features and functions will evaporate in short order.
    - Michael O'Rielly