Best quotes by Lawrence Wright on Life

Checkout quotes by Lawrence Wright on Life

  • Life gives you so many alternatives to choose from, and... you judge these as best as you can until something comes along like 9/11. And it's the central event of my lifetime, so I knew I had to write about that.
    - Lawrence Wright
  • Hubbard set up the Church of Scientology in Hollywood in 1954 for a reason. He understood that celebrity was increasingly a feature of American public life, and celebrities themselves were going to be worshiped as minor deities were in the ancient world. The idea was: if you could get them, think how many people would follow.
    - Lawrence Wright
  • People often pulled into Scientology want to address personal problems in their life, and Scientology says we have technology that addresses these kinds of problems. Just focusing on the problems and trying to remedy them can be helpful.
    - Lawrence Wright
  • The lovely thing about the writing life is that you can point it in any direction.
    - Lawrence Wright
  • The ideal 'New Yorker' profile is a person, an interesting person, at a critical point in his life.
    - Lawrence Wright
  • The Middle East has been a part of my life since I was a young man, when I went to teach in Cairo.
    - Lawrence Wright
  • The Middle East has been a part of my life since I was a young man, when I went to teach in Cairo.
    - Lawrence Wright