Best quotes by Henry A. Wallace on Power

Checkout quotes by Henry A. Wallace on Power

  • A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain his ends.
    - Henry A. Wallace
  • With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power.
    - Henry A. Wallace
  • Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection.
    - Henry A. Wallace
  • Until democracy in effective enthusiastic action fills the vacuum created by the power of modern inventions, we may expect the fascists to increase in power after the war both in the United States and in the world.
    - Henry A. Wallace
  • If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States.
    - Henry A. Wallace
  • The symptoms of fascist thinking are colored by environment and adapted to immediate circumstances. But always and everywhere they can be identified by their appeal to prejudice and by the desire to play upon the fears and vanities of different groups in order to gain power.
    - Henry A. Wallace
  • There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful.
    - Henry A. Wallace
  • They are patriotic in time of war because it is to their interest to be so, but in time of peace they follow power and the dollar wherever they may lead.
    - Henry A. Wallace