Best quotes by Gavin Newsom on Will

Checkout quotes by Gavin Newsom on Will

  • Government is the ultimate monopoly. And monopolies, as any economist will tell you, often breed complacency and a lack of innovation.
    - Gavin Newsom
  • As Mayor, I will fully support my Arts Commission and its professional selection committees so that they can commission a full range of public art that is daring and, when appropriate, daringly traditional.
    - Gavin Newsom
  • Livable neighborhoods with a vibrant street life will stimulate our economic life as well.
    - Gavin Newsom
  • As Mayor of San Francisco, I will work hard to ensure that, in the event of natural or man-made disasters, San Franciscans are prepared and our City is protected.
    - Gavin Newsom
  • As Mayor, I will use my experience to make San Francisco a place where small businesses can thrive.
    - Gavin Newsom