Best quotes by Bernard Goldberg on People

Checkout quotes by Bernard Goldberg on People

  • I have a big problem when the sanctimonious, holier than thou congressmen and women go on national television for six hours and beat somebody up with a stick, and not because I'm 'Ms. Manners.' That's not what bothers me. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
    - Bernard Goldberg
  • I have met guys who work the overnight shift at 7-11, selling Slurpees and Camels to insomniacs who have more introspection than a lot of people in the mainstream media.
    - Bernard Goldberg
  • I know real people, whose names I could tell you, people I know who have said 'I've stopped buying the New York Times.' Why? Because their editorial position has filtered, has leached into the news pages.
    - Bernard Goldberg
  • I mean, I think everybody realizes that calling people racist is a waste of time; nobody buys it anymore.
    - Bernard Goldberg
  • I said that liberals think people who live in the middle of the country are a bunch of jerks, and obviously all liberals don't think that. But I will tell you what, an awful lot of liberal elites think that.
    - Bernard Goldberg