Best quotes by Hans-Ulrich Obrist on Art

Checkout quotes by Hans-Ulrich Obrist on Art

  • I founded a club, which is called the Brutally Early Club. It's basically a breakfast salon for the 21st century where art meets science meets architecture meets literature.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • Making art is not the matter of a moment, and nor is making an exhibition; curating follows art.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • My job is art curator, not artist. All I have ever wanted to do is immerse myself in art, to enjoy it, to learn about it, to write about it, to talk to others about it.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • To keep art stimulating, it's important to open it up to new horizons, which includes showing it in unexpected contexts.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • I'm trying to expand the notion of curating. Exhibitions need not only take place in galleries, need not only involve displaying objects. Art can appear where we expect it least.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • I think the art fair is very much a form of urbanism. I think something really happens to the cities when such a fair happens. The city becomes an exhibition; it's amazing.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • I still remember my first Giacometti exhibition, and going back to the museum every day, whenever I could, to look again and again at these long, thin stick figures, so beautiful, so graceful. That, I think, was the moment I became really obsessed by art.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • I read whenever possible, and I buy books all the time, sometimes online, but mostly from bookshops. I love literature. If you want to understand art, it's important to understand what is also happening in literature, in music, in science, in architecture.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • For me, the idea of curating can be expanded. Curating science, curating art, music and theater and performance and not only bring those things into art but bring art into those areas.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • During my time at high school and university in Kreuzlingen and St. Gallen, I traveled around Europe looking at art, visiting artists, studios, galleries and museums.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • The non-utility of my kitchen could be transformed into its utility for art. To do a show there would mix art and life, naturally.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • I'm very interested in the idea of unusual museums, ones that are not necessarily contemporary art museums - more like historical collections or house museums.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • When I was a kid and started to be obsessed by art in the 1980s, the art world was in this polarity Warhol/Beuys, Beuys/Warhol. Both expended the notion of art extremely, but in very different ways.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • To be honest, I think, for me, the power is always with art. The art world clearly couldn't happen without art.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist