Best quotes by R-Truth on Me

Checkout quotes by R-Truth on Me

  • All my mistakes, all my accomplishments, the good things I've done, the bad I've done, and the mistakes I've learned from, the mistakes I've never done before - all of that made me into what I am now.
    - R-Truth
  • My character is such an entertaining character that it is a whole other element to the show, so once they put me and Carmella together it was like, okay, now I have something to do.
    - R-Truth
  • I'm a fan of Kobe and LeBron. People always try to make me pick one or the other, but I think they're both great. They both deliver.
    - R-Truth
  • I absorb energy, I absorb the good, the bad, I absorb everything. That's what makes me who I am.
    - R-Truth
  • I leave my career totally to the creative staff and Vince McMahon. Whatever they give me to do, I'll go in headfirst and I'll just perfect it and make it happen. I'm ready for whatever they have to throw at me.
    - R-Truth
  • My dance background helped me tremendously. Dancing is like second nature to me.
    - R-Truth
  • When I'm in the ring I've got a million people watching me weekly, looking for me to present something memorable to them.
    - R-Truth
  • That was one of the most hurtful things, to have my mother see me in court and to have my mother see me behind bars.
    - R-Truth
  • Hulk Hogan convinced me that WrestleMania was where my goals needed to be at.
    - R-Truth
  • When you see who I am, you're getting a real character, a real person. R-Truth, that's me.
    - R-Truth
  • Me, I like to go against the grain.
    - R-Truth
  • I remember, I was at the house with my oldest son and I got that call from Johnny Ace. You know that call. Johnny was the guy that hired me, fired me and hired me back, which was kind of cool. But I was just fired, everything stopped, my whole world stopped.
    - R-Truth