Best quotes by David Silva on Me

Checkout quotes by David Silva on Me

  • The press often ask me about Messi and Ronaldo and who is the best, but one thing for me is very clear. For me, the No. 1 is Andres Iniesta, because he is my team-mate for Spain, and I can see that he is able to do even more difficult things on the pitch.
    - David Silva
  • One of the things I did well as a young kid was to link well with the rest of the team, so I reckon it's something which is natural for me.
    - David Silva
  • I think that by playing centre midfield in the middle of the park, I'm doing something which comes naturally to me.
    - David Silva
  • Why did I leave Valencia? Because the club needed me to. I was happy there and wouldn't have left, but the situation the club was in demanded it.
    - David Silva
  • I don't know what happens with other players or what is in their heads, but for me - just win.
    - David Silva
  • I'm very happy to be at City, and I would like to continue there for as long as possible. It obviously depends on my health, my quality on the pitch, and if the club want me to stay. I would like to be there until the end, but the Premier League is such a hard league to play in. It is much more physical than somewhere like La Liga, so it depends.
    - David Silva
  • Guardiola has helped me so when I receive the ball, I have space.
    - David Silva
  • The way Guardiola plays suits me. It enables me to get into space in attacking positions.
    - David Silva
  • Football is very simple for me.
    - David Silva
  • All I want to do is win the Premier League and Europa League - I don't stop to think about being named as the Player of the Year. It's not something that interests me.
    - David Silva