Best quotes by Guy Pearce on People

Checkout quotes by Guy Pearce on People

  • The majority of people who join law enforcement are doing it for good, moral reasons, but then there are the few who get through, where you go, 'Whoa, hold on a second. What's this guy doing here?'
    - Guy Pearce
  • A movie that gets a PG-13 rating can show someone running down a street killing 27 people. And there are no repercussions.
    - Guy Pearce
  • I think when people are repressing things, or burying things, that can manifest in all sorts of ways.
    - Guy Pearce
  • When you're promoting a film it's really interesting trying to gauge what people think about it.
    - Guy Pearce
  • You would think that with ten super-famous people in one movie, it's gonna be ten times more popular or viewed, but on some level, they can cancel each other out.
    - Guy Pearce