Best quotes by Karyn Kusama on Me

Checkout quotes by Karyn Kusama on Me

  • To me, the thing that sets us apart from so many other animal species is our ability to ask questions, investigate, gather information, come to our own conclusions, and sometimes depart from the pack, sometimes move away from the tribe.
    - Karyn Kusama
  • I think that idea that sort of our emotional self and our emotional life is a faucet that you turn on and off, and that we are in control of it entirely, that's a really appealing idea for a lot of people. But there are certainly the times where it's appealing to me, but it never quite works the way I hoped it would.
    - Karyn Kusama
  • That's the most important thing for me is just figuring out how and if I'm growing as an artist.
    - Karyn Kusama
  • There are times when I'm kind of anti-social, I'm just really shy, and I don't feel like I fit in, and I then attribute that to some emotional state that's crippling me.
    - Karyn Kusama
  • I think most women have to fight very hard for the opportunities they want, which isn't to say that most artists don't have to do that, male or female, but I'm definitely aware of just how difficult it is to find stories that interest me, particularly.
    - Karyn Kusama
  • For me, there's something about a certain kind of genre film that has real potency in its emotional landscape.
    - Karyn Kusama
  • It's very difficult to figure out, for me, what stops really talented young female filmmakers from having the kind of careers that their really talented young male counterparts are having.
    - Karyn Kusama
  • To me, sound is a crucial component to, really, any moviegoing experience, but particularly with suspense films or thrillers. I think you need the audience to become subtly really attuned to the soundscape in, like, this uncomfortable way.
    - Karyn Kusama