Best quotes by Guy Kawasaki on World

Checkout quotes by Guy Kawasaki on World

  • Great companies start because the founders want to change the world... not make a fast buck.
    - Guy Kawasaki
  • I started my career counting diamonds and schlepping gold jewelry around the world. The jewelry business is a very, very tough business - tougher than the computer business. You truly have to understand how to take care of your customers.
    - Guy Kawasaki
  • The right algorithm is to put off seeking funds for as long as physically possible. And in an ideal world, a startup would never have to seek funds at all.
    - Guy Kawasaki
  • What you learn in school is the opposite of what happens in the real world. In school, you're always worried about minimums. You have to reach 20 pages or you have to have so many slides or whatever. Then you get out in the real world and you think, 'I have to have a minimum of 20 pages and 50 slides.'
    - Guy Kawasaki
  • Smart, well-meaning people get it wrong when they start believing that the world owes them something and that the rules are different for them.
    - Guy Kawasaki