Best quotes by Norman Lear on People

Checkout quotes by Norman Lear on People

  • In the area we're discussing, leadership begins on Madison Avenue, on the desks and in the offices of people who spend hundreds of millions of dollars buying what will get them ratings.
    - Norman Lear
  • But you know, my dad called me the laziest white kid he ever met. When I screamed back at him that he was putting down a race of people to call me lazy, his answer was that's not what he was doing, and that I was also the dumbest white kid he ever met.
    - Norman Lear
  • Maybe they continued to agree with Archie Bunker - as I said earlier, you can't change people's minds, but you can get them to think.
    - Norman Lear
  • It crossed our minds early on that the more an audience cared - we were working before, on average, 240, live people. If you could get them caring - the more they cared, the harder they laughed.
    - Norman Lear
  • So we gravitated to shows and issues and causes that made people care.
    - Norman Lear
  • TV that people will never see, that giant international corporations will never touch, will never pay your salary.
    - Norman Lear
  • That's the heart of it: My shows were not that controversial with the American people. They were controversial with the people who think for the American people.
    - Norman Lear
  • There was no real controversy with All In The Family. That came from the people on the business end.
    - Norman Lear
  • I guess because the shows were activist in their own way - the marriage of my public activism and my career activism, you know - people understand me very well. They also understand there's a very strong bipartisan part in all of this.
    - Norman Lear