Best quotes by Lil B on Music

Checkout quotes by Lil B on Music

  • So I got a lot of music because it's all different. I'm not just one side. I wanna show you the good, the bad, and the ugly. I wanna be as truthful as I can because I love music.
    - Lil B
  • I'm a real guy. I'm not money-laundering. I make money off music, and music is my source of income. It feels good. I'm not selling T-shirts, I'm not doing none of that other crap. Straight music.
    - Lil B
  • I have a song that's called 'Rap Dreams, Hoop Dreams'. Besides education, everybody's got hoop dreams from day one in rap. Rap, sports, music have so much of an impact on the world.
    - Lil B
  • I listen to music all the time. I need music and I love music and I appreciate it. It inspires me.
    - Lil B
  • Before Lil B, hip-hop and music in general was in a different space. Lil B really just pushed this independence.
    - Lil B
  • I feel everything. I feel everything, so when you feel, you know you have emotions and everything. Music is a feeling. Music is energy, vibrations and sounds.
    - Lil B
  • Before the money or anything, number one, it was just to put out real music, real stuff with a passion, real art.
    - Lil B
  • Everything, for me, is fueled off telling my story through music, because I have a lot to say, and it's some urgent things that I have to tell to the world, and help and heal. I know my part that I have to do through music.
    - Lil B
  • Clams's music to me is where there's no boundaries. It was just exciting for my mind to be as free as Clams's music is.
    - Lil B
  • Well, Tony Yayo is my dude. Tony Yayo is a big supporter of my music.
    - Lil B