Best quotes by Baker Mayfield on Me

Checkout quotes by Baker Mayfield on Me

  • When people doubt me, I want to prove them wrong.
    - Baker Mayfield
  • I can listen to all the people patting me on the back, or I can listen to the people saying I need to get better. I know I need to get better, or else there would be nobody saying that.
    - Baker Mayfield
  • Everywhere I look, someone is telling me, 'You're not good enough,' or, 'You can't do this or that.' You can only hear that so many times before enough is enough.
    - Baker Mayfield
  • You come to Oklahoma to beat Texas. I was born and raised in Austin. They didn't recruit me. I grew up 15 miles from their campus. I can't stand them.
    - Baker Mayfield
  • If I were on another team or program, I'd hate me, too.
    - Baker Mayfield
  • You can focus on the few things that give people a negative image about me, or you can see the other things I've done, or talk to people in my inner circle who know more about who I really am.
    - Baker Mayfield
  • For me, being as competitive as I am, the bigger the challenge for me, the better for me.
    - Baker Mayfield
  • Whenever I get a chance to get my reps in, that's a good challenge for me.
    - Baker Mayfield
  • I don't think I'd hold back if I ever had a conversation with anybody that truly passed up on me.
    - Baker Mayfield
  • All the different coaches and styles of play I've seen helped me develop, to relate to my teammates.
    - Baker Mayfield
  • TCU - they told me they were going to offer me a scholarship and kind of drug it out. I told other schools I wasn't interested because I thought I was going to be there. They disappointed me and kind of hung me out to dry right before signing day.
    - Baker Mayfield
  • Everything along the way has made me the competitor I am.
    - Baker Mayfield