Best quotes by Jessye Norman on Music

Checkout quotes by Jessye Norman on Music

  • I like so many different kinds of music that I've never allowed myself the limitations of one particular range.
    - Jessye Norman
  • I didn't think at all as a young child that music would be my profession. It was just something that one did along with going to Brownies or going to church or going to school or anything else that one did in sort of one's very young life.
    - Jessye Norman
  • I love singing jazz. I don't like the idea that classical music should be over here and jazz should be someplace else. It's all wonderful, and we should be open to enjoying it all.
    - Jessye Norman
  • I enjoy reading about the lives of musicians, and find many similarities in their ideas of preparation and their utter devotion to this great, eternal language: music.
    - Jessye Norman
  • I would like to see more African-American singers as part of our opera companies. If you take music and the arts out of the public schools, then you're going to lose a lot of people that you might have discovered were talented, very early.
    - Jessye Norman