Best quotes by Viv Albertine on Men

Checkout quotes by Viv Albertine on Men

  • I have a daughter. I have my imagination. I have friends. I, in no way, am going to louse that up with some idiot man, frankly. They drag you down - I'm talking about my generation of men.
    - Viv Albertine
  • I think sometimes men find it easier to be a carer than an accessory. I mean, most women I know in bands are pretty lonely. Guys don't want to travel around with you. I know loads of women who do it, but guys don't do it. They're not brought up for it.
    - Viv Albertine
  • Girl bands still do just copy the way men move onstage. To me, that is so backwards, so un-radical.
    - Viv Albertine
  • I think young men and boys are taught to fail. It's nothing to them; they do sport, they fall over, they shout, 'I'm all right,' and carry on. But with girls, they're so appallingly embarrassed to fail, it's like it's considered unfeminine.
    - Viv Albertine
  • It's all very well for the Kinks and Damon Albarn to sing those songs and sneer at Mr. Nine to Five, but again, they're white men, so they didn't have it very hard.
    - Viv Albertine
  • A lot of the men I've dated have been incapable of even basic kindness.
    - Viv Albertine