Best quotes by Gwen Moore on Violence

Checkout quotes by Gwen Moore on Violence

  • Violence against women is as American as apple pie. I know, not only as a legislator, but from personal experience.
    - Gwen Moore
  • Violence against women in this country is not levied against just Democrats, but Republicans as well... not just rich people or poor people. It knows no gender, it knows no ethnicity, it knows nothing.
    - Gwen Moore
  • It is only with the passage of the Violence Against Women Act in 1994 that we have been able to put a dent in violence against women, and women have had a place to go.
    - Gwen Moore
  • As legislators and as Members of Congress, it is our obligation to speak up for those who are being ignored in our society. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) does just that.
    - Gwen Moore
  • Violence against women is as American as apple pie.
    - Gwen Moore