Best quotes by Nikita Dragun on Me

Checkout quotes by Nikita Dragun on Me

  • Red lipstick has always been a powerful thing to me.
    - Nikita Dragun
  • Every comment, every tweet, every snap, every second of my life is viewed and it affects people. It does become daunting, and it can be hard to remain true to my message and to be real and authentic and to not be biased by whatever is thrown at me because of the success that I've had.
    - Nikita Dragun
  • I don't knock anyone's hustle, but I didn't want to slap my name on anything that wasn't authentic to me.
    - Nikita Dragun
  • I would be in class, and we'd talk about influencers and brand deals, and my face would pop up on the screen and they'd start talking about me! They had no idea that I was sitting in the class. I never wanted anyone to know.
    - Nikita Dragun
  • Don't be afraid to be ugly on Snapchat at 2 a.m. when you wake up and roll out of bed. It's those real moments that create that a connection; it's like, 'Hey, this person is just like me.'
    - Nikita Dragun
  • Morphe was one of the first makeup brands that I worked with when I was just starting out. The great thing about them is that they were really invested in social media and influencers like me early.
    - Nikita Dragun
  • This is all me. That's why all my products come in this dragon egg literally 'cause I'm like, I laid an egg for you, girl. Every little last detail is so Nikita and extra and wild. I'm creating things I've always wanted to see in the beauty industry.
    - Nikita Dragun
  • My core product is the color corrector and it was life changing for me because I used to put on foundation and it just wouldn't work.
    - Nikita Dragun