Best quotes by Roy Jones Jr. on Me

Checkout quotes by Roy Jones Jr. on Me

  • One thing I learned from the '88 Olympics: It's not a question of if they can screw you over: it's a question of if they will. It's not the gold medal they took away from me. The medal doesn't mean anything. It's that they said I lost. That experience is well and alive in my mind.
    - Roy Jones Jr.
  • With me, I come in the ring and start thinking right away. My thought process is just to put a guy down. I'm like a technician and learn to break it all down - from head to toe.
    - Roy Jones Jr.
  • I don't care about no boxing legacy. I don't care where they put me on the list of all-time greats - let them put me at the bottom.
    - Roy Jones Jr.
  • My dad sacrificed his relationship with me so I'd be stronger for it. But I could never do it to my kids - I like to have a happy relationship with them.
    - Roy Jones Jr.
  • I got real bored in '96. Wasn't nobody to fight. Nothing to look forward to. That's when I started playing basketball again. Had I not started playing basketball, my boxing career would have failed. But I went from a sport where nobody could touch me to another where I couldn't touch nobody.
    - Roy Jones Jr.
  • If I fought like I was looking for a place in history, it would ruin me as a person. I don't think history is worth selling my soul.
    - Roy Jones Jr.
  • You can't pretend there has ever been anyone come close to doing what I did. Nobody you could name could touch me, and I'm talking about nobody who's around now, nobody who was around in my prime, and nobody who was around any time you can mention outta your mouth.
    - Roy Jones Jr.
  • Kids always used to come up and ask me if I ever fought Mike Tyson, and I used to tell them that we couldn't because we were in different weight classes.
    - Roy Jones Jr.
  • I never wanted my kids to feel about me the way I felt about him.
    - Roy Jones Jr.