Best quotes by Fernandinho on Time

Checkout quotes by Fernandinho on Time

  • The first time was in Brazil, and the second time was when I was playing for Shakhtar against Inter in Milan. Fans were banned from the stadium on both occasions, and it is different. You have to keep your concentration on the pitch and try to win the game.
    - Fernandinho
  • My body works best when I'm playing all the time, so when I work more and I play more, I feel better.
    - Fernandinho
  • When you are a father, when you talk to your son or your daughter for the first time, they don't understand you. Of course, you have patience, and you keep talking to them, and eventually they do understand.
    - Fernandinho
  • That is what it is like with Pep. At first, you don't understand. But then you grow up, you work, and now we understand the things he wants much better. It's not like the first season when it took him more time to make us understand his ideas. Some players didn't understand immediately what he wanted.
    - Fernandinho
  • I have heard what has been said, but most of the time, I recover the ball without making a foul.
    - Fernandinho
  • Shakhtar specifically are proud when traditional clubs from Europe come knocking, and I knew it would be quite hard to convince them to let me join City. Listen, I am absolutely thankful for the opportunity they gave me, but I also think I worked my socks off for that club, and it was time to look after my career.
    - Fernandinho
  • I moved cities when I was 17, and I moved countries when I was 20. Every time, I put football at the forefront and, if you do that, you don't have such a hard time settling in.
    - Fernandinho