Best quotes by Zoe Kazan on People

Checkout quotes by Zoe Kazan on People

  • I always wrote. My parents are writers. It just seemed like something people did.
    - Zoe Kazan
  • I don't like pretentious films or pretentious people.
    - Zoe Kazan
  • I really love people. I love to meet people. I'm curious about people.
    - Zoe Kazan
  • In New York you can just walk out and be among people. You're on the subway among people, you go to cafes, you can talk to people.
    - Zoe Kazan
  • People really do make the assumption that I had some weirdo Hollywood upbringing, but my parents are incredibly down-to-earth people who worked really hard to raise us in a way that was health.
    - Zoe Kazan
  • Sometimes I feel that the people I'm writing are more real to me than the people around me. When you take that imaginative leap, you're living so much in that world.
    - Zoe Kazan